The Most Common Type of Collisions Between Cars and Motorcycles

Cars and motorcycles must share the same road. It is your responsibility as the driver to look out for each other. You must learn to share the road and drive responsibly. Driving a motorcycle, however, places you at risk for more serious injuries because your entire body will absorb the impact from any form of…

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Is Lane Splitting Legal in Massachusetts?

Lane splitting is a hot-button issue when it comes to discussions about traffic in many states. Currently, lane splitting is only allowed in California and is illegal in Massachusetts. Here’s a look at this motorcycle phenomenon, along with tips for the safe operation of a motorcycle. Motorcycling can be a great mode of transportation and…

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Understanding the Massachusetts Motorcycle Laws

Motorcycles present people with a convenient way to get around. They allow folks to move through traffic faster, and it’s easier to find suitable parking spots for them. Before getting out and purchasing a two-wheeler of your own, though, you should take the time to learn about Massachusetts motorcycle laws. Reading up on those laws…

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