Breakstone, White & Gluck Donates Project KidSafe Bike Helmets to Children in Lowell, Somerville and Chelsea
We are excited about the summer of 2022 here at Breakstone, White & Gluck. This is the 10th year of our Project KidSafe campaign. Read about a few of our bike helmet donations to children:
The Bike Connector and Lowell Public Schools
Project KidSafe in Lowell: Breakstone, White & Gluck gave each student at Stoklaska Middle School a free helmet to go with their new bike donated by The Bike Connector.
Breakstone, White & Gluck was pleased to donate 300 helmets to The Bike Connector for donations to students in the Lowell Public School system.
We attended one of the giveaways at the Stoklaska Middle School on May 12th and watched as 50 very excited students got to pick out new bikes, then received a free Project KidSafe helmet. The Bike Connector and volunteers collected and refurbished the bikes so the children have the option of riding to school. The middle school is located on Broadway Street, more than a half mile west of Lowell City Hall.
Massachusetts Safe Routes to School
In June, Breakstone, White & Gluck donated bike helmets to help students at the Nathaniel Morten Elementary School in Plymouth get ready for summer. The local PTA and a bike shop teamed up for this event and Massachusetts Safe Routes to School provided safety instruction. Two of the topics: the importance of wearing their new Project KidSafe helmets and the ABC Quick Check (air, brakes, chain).
We want to mention – this is the 8th year we have partnered up with Massachusetts Safe Routes to School as part of our Project KidSafe campaign. Safe Routes gives our Project KidSafe helmets away to children who need one at bike rodeos and school events, which is a great fit as they teach students about the rules of the road for bicycles. Students leave events with the helmets they need to protect themselves and reduce the risk of injury.
Project KidSafe in Medford: Breakstone, White & Gluck donated helmets for the DIY Bike Rodeo with Medford Recreation and Medford Bikes.
Medford Bicycle Advisory Commission
Breakstone, White & Gluck was pleased to continue our partnership with the Medford Bicycle Advisory Commission and Medford Recreation and donate helmets for the children at the DIY Bike Rodeo on June 3rd.
The event was held at Tufts Park, where children had a ½ mile area to practice skills. In addition to a free Project KidSafe helmet, children were also offered free bike lights and safety literature.
Chelsea Bike Rodeo
Breakstone, White & Gluck supported the Chelsea Bike and Pedestrian Committee with a donation to children who participated in the Chelsea Bike Rodeo on June 18th. This was a fun event because children had the opportunity to receive and decorate a free helmet, which we hope encourages them to wear it.
The event was organized by the Chelsea Recreation & Cultural Affairs and Massachusetts Safe Routes to School participated.
Somerville Kiwanis
Our support for the Kiwanis Club of Somerville dates back to 2013. There were a few missed years during the pandemic.
So it was great to see the Kiwanis Club members back out at the East Somerville Carnival on June 5th. Members gave away over 200 Project KidSafe helmets to children and other cyclists who needed one, then fit helmets for those who needed help.
About Breakstone, White & Gluck
Breakstone, White & Gluck specializes in personal injury. Our law firm has been consistently recognized for our results for clients, including by the Top 100 New England and Massachusetts Super Lawyers and U.S. News – Best Law Firms of America.
In 2013, our lawyers founded our Project KidSafe campaign with a goal of encouraging children to wear helmets. Children have just begun to grow and we want to help steer them toward safe decisions, such as wearing a helmet every time they ride to protect against a head injury. Learn more about the Massachusetts bike helmet law for children.
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