Truck Accidents and Blind Spots: What to Know

Almost by instinct, car drivers are typically wary of commercial trucks when driving alongside them. We may be familiar with our car’s blind spots, but how many people are actually aware of all those of a truck? We know to give them extra space and to be more cautious around them, but many drivers may…

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Prevent Drunk Driving Injuries and Crashes This Holiday Season

Make a Holiday Safety Plan It’s the holiday season, a time to enjoy family and friends. But the mood quickly turns somber when you make the wrong decision about alcohol. Commit to use good judgment and avoid causing drunk driving injuries. If you drink, consume alcohol responsibly. As personal injury lawyers, we have seen how drunk…

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Two Million Infant Swings and Rockers Recalled After Child’s Death

The Consumer Product Safety Commission has announced the recall of two million infant swings due to the risk of entanglement and strangulation. The recall comes after a child was caught in a restraint strap and died from asphyxiation. Thorley Industries, LLC – using a d.b.a of 4moms – recalled two million MamaRoo swings and 220,000…

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The Gluck Legal Takeaway: EBikes Legal and Insurance Issues

Ebikes, also known as EAPCs- electronically assisted pedal cycles, have become very popular over the past 10 years. The Industry is exploding with new models and new users.  In Massachusetts bikes fall into the Ebike category if they are motorized but the motors have a maximum speed of twenty-five mile per hour. Massachusetts restricts use…

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Understanding Professional Negligence

When professionals breach their duty of care or fail to perform their responsibilities to the required standards of their profession, we refer to this poor conduct as professional negligence. This can result in damage or financial loss to the client who hired the professional to provide the expected standard of service in the profession. If…

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